Build Forward Foundation: Creator in Residence Program

Build, RVA is excited to announce the launch of our Creator in residence program. The selected applicant will receive a fully comped studio and membership for six months along with a monthly stipend for machine time and classes. We are looking for makers who like to create cool things and can help our community out by working on interesting projects!


  • Free Six-Month Studio Membership
    Enjoy all the perks that regular studio members receive for six months at no cost.

  • $120 Monthly Machine Time Stipend
    Use this stipend towards machine time (regular pricing applies after six months).

  • $50 Monthly Stipend for Paid Classes
    Apply this towards any of our paid class offerings each month.


  • Renewable Terms
    Membership terms can be renewed with mutual agreement between Build and the member.

  • No Term Limit
    There is no restriction on the number of terms a member can serve.

  • Termination Rights
    Build reserves the right to terminate the agreement if the member fails to meet the outlined requirements.


  • Instruction
    Members must provide at least 8 hours of instruction each month, including:

    • One Paid Class per Month

      • Build will assist with curriculum development.

      • All materials and consumables will be covered by Build.

      • Proceeds from paid classes will go to Build.

    • Certification Classes & Tutoring
      These can count towards the monthly instruction hours.

  • Front Desk Duty
    Members must complete 3 hours of front desk duty each week (see Director for specific details).

  • Committee Participation
    Members are required to serve on at least one Build BoD committee, which includes:

    • Attending meetings and completing assigned tasks.

    • Build will work with members to ensure they find a suitable committee fit.

  • Event Participation
    Members must participate in at least one Build event per month, such as:

    • Open Houses (give tours, assist with setup).

    • Work Days (help with various tasks).

    • Community Outreach (represent Build at external events).

Studio Appearance

  • Signage
    Members must display tasteful business signage outside their studio.

    • You are encouraged to create signage at Build, with materials and support provided.

    • Existing signage is acceptable.

  • Studio Organization
    The studio must be kept clean and organized, with no more than 50% of the space used for storage.

  • Product Display
    At least two of the member’s products must be displayed in Build’s common area.

    • Members retain ownership of these products.

    • Items can be for sale, but Build will not facilitate sales transactions.

Studio Time Commitment

  • Members must spend at least 20 hours per week at Build, including:

    • 8 hours per week using Build’s equipment or shops, working on their own projects or fulfilling Build duties.

    • Exceptions may be made for illness, vacations, or family matters.

Build Project Requirement

  • Members are required to complete one Build project per term, which must benefit Build.

    • Build will assist with project development and guidance.

    • Build will provide all necessary supplies.

    • The completed project will remain the property of Build.